
cleaning up after a natural disaster

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cleaning up after a natural disaster

Cleaning up after a natural disaster is heartbreaking. Seeing everything that Mother Nature has taken from you is something that nobody ever wants to experience. If you are looking for tips about salvaging the things damaged by a natural disaster, this blog can help. You will learn about cleaning services, products and techniques that will help you to salvage the things that aren't completely destroyed. It is my hope that what I have included on this blog will help you reclaim your possessions so that you can hold onto the things that mean the most to you for many more years.

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Damage Contractor Tips For Safely Cleaning Up The Mess From An Overflowing Septic System

If your septic tank backed up and flowed out onto your basement floor, then it is vital that you clean up the mess in a safe manner. The raw sewage is hazardous to both the health of your family members and your pets. Because sewage contains many different types of bacteria and viruses, it needs careful removal followed by disinfection.

If the sewage spill is more than one or two inches thick, or if you do not have a sump pit in the basement floor, then you need to call out a professional damage control company for emergency plumbing services. However, if the spill is not as large and you do have a sump pit, then you can clean it up yourself using the following procedure:

Step 1: Protect Yourself Against the Danger of Electrocution

If the sewage is in an area of your basement where electrical wires or gas lines are present, then turn them off where they come into your home before you start cleaning up. 

Step 2: Dress with Maximum Personal Safety in Mind

To prevent getting sick from the sewage, you must wear each of the following things during the cleanup process:

  • disposable gloves topped with thick rubber gloves
  • a disposable Tyvek suit
  • waterproof rubber boots
  • a face mask

In addition, you also need to wear a pair of goggles, because sewage splashed in your eyes can make you sick.

Step 3: Remove the Sewage Using a Squeegee on an Extension Pole

To remove all of the sewage from your basement floor, attach a squeegee to an extension pole and push it all into the sump pit.

Step 4: Mop the Floor with a Chlorine Bleach Solution

Once the sewage has been removed, then you need to mop the floor with a solution of chlorine bleach mixed with water. The bleach will disinfect the floor and kill bacteria. 

Step 5: Mop the Floor with an Antimicrobial Cleaner

Since raw sewage is very toxic, you should mop the floor again after it dries. This time, use an antimicrobial cleaner. This added step will ensure the floor is completely disinfected and once again safe.

Step 6: Remove Your Protective Clothing and Take a Hot Shower

Now that the basement floor is clean and safe again, remove your Tyvek suit and dispose of it and your dirty disposable gloves.

Wash your rubber gloves and boots with an antimicrobial cleaner.

Finally, hop in the shower and make sure you scrub your entire body with soap just in case you happen to have any sewage on your skin.